If you want to register to conference, please, fill the on-line registration form

The 24th Conference on the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Buildings will address the issue of building rehabilitation, a field which can be topically classified into the following areas of interest:

  1. Advanced Construction Materials
  2. Binders for Rehabilitation and Reconstruction
  3. Ecological aspects of Building Materials Production and Utilization
  4. Energy saving Building MAterials
  5. Fire Protection
  6. Maintenance of Concrete Structures
  7. Masonry
  8. Natural Stone and Artificial Stone
  9. Physico - Chemical Basis
  10. Statics and Dynamics
  11. Steel and Glass
  12. Surface technology (Coatings and Surface Protection)
  13. Timber and Timber Protection
  14. Timber-framed Masonry
  15. Other

Selected papers from the CRRB 2026 recommended by the scientific committee will be further considered for the publication in prestigious journals.

Contact addresses for the organization of the conference:

E-mail: wta@fce.vutbr.cz

© CRRB 28th International Conference on Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Buildings 2026
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